
Complete piano care from tunings to rebuilds


Piano tuning is the adjustment of string tension in order to achieve a piano’s optimal sound. This requires an assessment of the interaction of vibrations between the notes and spreading those vibrations consistently across all notes. Tuning is recommend twice a year to keep the piano sounding good and working properly.

A standard tuning takes roughly two hours and is conducted on-site. A piano which has gone a long time without tuning may require more time if a pitch adjustment is necessary.

Basic tunings are $160 for pianos in Flagstaff. Surrounding areas start at $180

Please contact for concert pricing.



Voicing is the adjustment of the character or quality of sound of a note and is separate from tuning its pitch. When a piano begins to sounds harsh, inconsistent, or lacks power, manipulating the felt of the piano hammer will make the notes sound consistent throughout the entire keyboard and enhance dynamic range.

A piano needs to be in tune before being voiced. Voicing can often be conducted in the same visit as a tuning. Pricing based on rate $75/hr.


Cleaning and Detailing

Standard cleaning includes removal of dust and debris from piano case, soundboard, action components, and keybed.
Recommended at least every other year $200

Brass and Case polishing, touch up and Finish repair also available.



Even pianos with moderate usage and proper maintenance will occasionally need repairing. Repairs can involve a variety of issues, from a sticking key to a loose pedal. Where tuning keeps a piano sounding good, repairs keep a piano functioning properly.

Basic repairs can often be conducted in the same visit as a tuning.


Reconditioning and Regulation

Pianos which have gone a long time without maintenance other than tuning may need reconditioning. Piano parts are made of wood, felt, and leather which compress over time and eventually require maintenance to keep the piano working. Reconditioning and Regulating is the process of putting those parts back into good condition by cleaning, lubricating, aligning, and adjusting the geometry of the parts for best performance. Regular regulation is recommended to promote even wear and postpone the need for major work.

Light regulation is performed on-site. Pricing based on rate $75/hr.

Reconditioning & regulation does not require moving the piano. Following an inspection, the action is removed and brought to the shop. Jobs are normally completed in a couple of weeks. Final regulation is performed on-site. Pricing based on rate $75/hr.


Schedule Service

Tuning, Voicing, Regulation, Repair, Cleaning